
As we stated on our home page, we published an audio/magazine called Sequences for nearly twenty years and podcasting on iTunes at the beginning of 2012. Later on, we added Soundcloud, Amazon Music, Player FM, German Radio Modul 303 and five more web music sites. We publish two editions each month, approx 3 hours per episode, creating one-off special editions from major musicians in our genre of electronic music.

I have been into Electronic music for over 60 years now, from the early experimental sounds of Karl Heinz Stockhausen, John Gage, Berio, Phillip Glass etc., the German scene in the 70’s with Tangerine Dream, Klaus Schulze, Robert Schroeder, Kraftwerk, Can etc. through to some of the more modern, trance, chill-out, ambient music, although we stay away from techno, dance and the more pop orientated stuff.

We are always looking to find new and interesting musicians to preview on our shows with listeners all around the globe.   If you are a musician or label interested in having some of your music featured on our podcasts and to a global audience, do get in touch.

Many thanks for your time.

Mick(theED) & The Team, Mike, Andy & Karen

Website: www.sequencesmagazine.com

Email: sequencesemma@gmail.com

Group page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/sequencesmagazine/

Sequences podcasts:
iTunes:  https://itunes.apple.com/au/podcast/sequences-magazine-podcast/id500441651

Main Listeners:
Soundcloud:    https://soundcloud.com/mick-garlick

New:  Recent editions featured on the German radio show:  Modul303

Player FM: https://player.fm/series/sequences-magazine